David Geisler: So John why did you say to me that it could be that God does exist?

Me: Because nonsense might turn out to be right even though it’s nonsense.

John, I’m really disappointed. Your answers to me are so much nonsense.

Me: Sorry. You don’t know what I know. What I know can be found in my books.

John, yes I read a few. You say something can come from nothing. That’s so irrational and stupid.

Me: What I don’t say is that a fully existing triune God has forever existed with three eternal persons, which are inexplicable individually and corporately.

John, it’s illogical to conclude that quantum fields are the cause of everything, and say they do not have intentionality nor morality nor intelligence. Something or someone had to create us because we couldn’t just come from nothing! Now, if something can not come from nothing then the only conclusion you or anyone can come to is that something must’ve necessarily always existed. What’s illogical about this conclusion?

Me: My position is we don’t know yet. That’s a good enough answer at this point. When we don’t know, we shouldn’t prematurely jump to any conclusions.

Me: But we can, however, eliminate some answers, complex ones per Ockham’s Razor. As I have said, your complex sectarian God-answer is one of the least acceptable answers because of the complex nature of a trinity–with the deified human side of Jesus joined forever at the hip to the 2nd person of the trinity. Your god looks exactly like the invention of ancient superstitious people, who required his people do barbaric deeds like child sacrifice, reigned like an ancient uncaring despot who showed no concern for his subjects as we see in the book of Job, who doesn’t show any awareness of any medicinal knowledge prior to us discovering vaccines, pain killers, or antibiotics.

Me: You presuppose your concept of god with everything you write. That is illogical!

Me: Just stop your evangelizing. You are uniformed, illogical, and delusional, no different from other religionists like the Mormons.

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Debunking Christianity 

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