During this transformative and profound time, the world witnessed a powerful and ongoing movement in Iran—the Iranian Protest. These incidents left me completely shocked and with an indelible mark on my soul. I’ve been greatly inspired by the people of my country’s persistent determination, resilience, and bravery in their fight for freedom.

The demonstrations that took place in Iran during this time weren’t just protests; they also served as a symbol of the country’s shared desire for freedom. My heart got heavy as news reports kept coming in, each one detailing a situation of difficulty and loss. I was quite grieved by the sacrifices made by those who are giving their lives in the name of liberty. Despite the grief, hope emerged, piercing through the darkness.

The Iranian people’s resilience and bravery were what most strongly moved me. They took to the streets with unyielding conviction rather than cowering in fear. Faced with hardship, they came together as one and declared loudly to the world: “We reject the oppressive regime of the Islamic Republic, and we yearn for freedom.” Particularly the youth stood standing and bravely faced the highly armed regime guards, willing to give their lives to uphold a cause they believed in.

I feel impelled to raise the voices of the fortitude and bravery of the people of my beloved Iran. I want to use my writing to highlight their inspirational tales of bravery and unyielding resolve. Their fight is not in vain; rather, it is a resounding cry for freedom, justice, and a brighter future.

There are historical events that pierce our hearts with tremendous sadness and leave an indelible impression on our collective conscience. One such chapter is the Iranian protests, where young people’s hopes and aspirations were brutally dashed during the bloodshed and violence of rallies. We are forced to face the terrifying truth that innocence was not spared in the fight for freedom as we confront the heartbreaking truth of their untimely demise. These young people’s deaths serve as an upsetting reminder of the extreme cost that is associated with having the courage to stand against oppression and fight for a brighter future.

Unveiling the Faces of Innocence – Stories of tragic loss of young lives

Due to their greater vulnerability, children are given special rights and safeguards under the international legal system. However, the world saw a horrible disregard for fundamental rights during the Iranian rallies, as defenseless children and teenagers were mercilessly murdered. When carried out by armed forces or security personnel, the United Nations considers the killing or mutilation of children to be a serious violation of human rights and classifies such actions as crimes against humanity. Even though they were young, these kids were mercilessly targeted, which emphasizes how urgent it is to stop these horrible crimes.

It is extremely upsetting how many young people and teens saw violence during the Iranian  protests. The stats present a sad image, according to reports, as of various dates throughout the protests. Nine children were among those deceased as of October 4, 2022. By October 12, the number had increased to 23–28, and by October 16, it had reached a horrifying total of 32 kids. The Iran Human Rights Agency reports that by November 2, the number had increased to 35. Alarming claims from Herana claimed that statewide protests between September 26 and November 9 claimed the lives of at least 46 children, including 9 girls and 3 Afghan nationals. By November 19 there had been 52 children lost, and by November 28 there had been 58. By December 11, the number of youngsters had tragically risen to 69, reflecting an unspeakable loss of innocent lives.

The United Nations has designated November 19 as International Children’s Day, a day devoted to promoting children’s rights all throughout the world. The emphasis of this year’s subject, which is the “Establishment of Peace” and “Removal of Any Prejudice,” focuses on the equality of all children, regardless of their community or nationality. Even in tragic situations like armed wars, the UN underlines that children should be shielded from pain and protected.

However, the Islamic Republic exhibits no discrimination in its repression of women, men, and children during the Iranian protests. The security personnel ruthlessly attacked the demonstrators while carrying weapons, killing unarmed civilians. Due to censorship and poor security circumstances, it is still unclear how many victims there were in total. To shed light on the atrocities committed, human rights organizations have meticulously gathered verified reports.

A tragic result of the Iranian protests is the death of innocent people, especially children, and teenagers. These young people, who had hopes, goals, and unrealized potential, were tragically victimized by the brutality and repression the Iranian government imposed.

A Stolen Future: Nika Shakrami, a 16-year-old young woman, vanished during the Tehran protests. His lifeless body was found in Kahrizak in Tehran, after his family looked for him for days. The grim reality eventually came out, despite the authorities’ claims that he died after falling from a height. Nika had received numerous blows because of his severe wounds, which included a shattered forehead and skull. The efforts of the authorities to censor the facts added to the grief of losing their beloved Nika.

A Voice Silenced: Sarina Esmailzadeh, a 16-year-old student from Karaj, voiced her concerns on social media platforms and passionately advocated for freedom and against mandatory hijab. She questioned the disparity between Iranian and American teenagers’ concerns, demonstrating her deep awareness of global issues. Unfortunately, her promising life was cut short, and the circumstances surrounding her death remain shrouded in tragedy. Tragically, the life of Sarina Esmailzadeh was cut short on that fateful Friday in Mehrshahr, Karaj, a day marred by brutality and sorrow. Eyewitness accounts and credible sources reveal the harrowing details of her demise, a victim of merciless baton blows. As her lifeless body was laid to rest in the solemn grounds of Behesht Sakineh, Karaj, alongside her father, the heart-wrenching scene unfolded.

A Child’s Innocence Shattered: Kian Pirflek, during the Izeh protests, ten-year-old Kian Pirflek, a gifted child, set off on a disastrous adventure with his family. Government forces surrounded them as they pursued them, focusing their hostility on Kian. Tragically, he lost his life when gunshots fired at their vehicle struck him. The authorities attempt to paint this occurrence as an ISIS “terrorist attack” only made Kian’s mourning family’s suffering worse.

A Life Cut Short: Mohammad Reza Sarvari, a 14-year-old Afghan adolescent, was killed by security forces in Tehran during the protests. He was shot to death, the high-speed projectile inflicting significant brain damage and bleeding. His untimely murder serves as a tragic example of how innocent youngsters are targeted without regard to their nationality.

A Brutal End: Setare Tajik, an Afghan refugee who was 17 years old, endured an awful tragedy in Tehran. Her face and other body parts had been cruelly broken, and her body had visible signs of serious wounds. Her unfortunate death was caused by government forces, which heightened the injustice experienced by disadvantaged populations throughout the protests.

A life cut short: Esra Panahi, was one among those who bravely screamed anti-government chants while refusing to perform the government’s ideological anthem. Armed security officers in plain clothes attacked the school in retaliation and started attacking the students. a youthful, vibrant girl who tragically passed away. Despite her spirit, she passed away from her wounds in Fatemi Hospital in Ardabil.

Precious Life Taken Too Soon: an 8-year-old student who was killed in the head area during the Iranian protests uprising of Iran in the village of Aspich in Sistan and Baluchistan province by direct fire from the government agents of the Ministry of Intelligence of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Mona was shot while going to school with her older sister Maryam, her hand was released and she fell to the ground. When Maryam asks Mona: “Why did you fall?” Mona replies: “they shot me.” Then Maryam, carrying Mona, calls their father to take Mona to the hospital, but Mona dies in the meantime.

Faces of Unseen Suffering: Other Unnamed Victims, Numerous unidentified children who were killed during the protests are hidden behind the somber statistics. Their experiences serve as a powerful reminder of the numerous lives lost, their unrealized goals, and the bereaved families.

Ideology Over Human Rights

These young demonstrators, who came from a variety of backgrounds and religions, were brought together by a common desire for freedom. They viewed education as a way to liberate themselves from the shackles of ignorance. They desired to follow their passions, give back to their communities, and influence the course of their country. The young people of the Iranian protest showed incredible resiliency among the confusion and upheaval. They planned nonviolent protests, expressed their demands on social media, and looked for outside assistance to spread their message. They acted as a lighthouse of hope for others, encouraging them to join the cause and fight for their rights.

We must acknowledge the significance of their sacrifices while we consider their admirable goals. The Iranian protests serves as a potent reminder that young people’s dreams have the potential to spark change and rewrite history. It is up to us all to carry on the global struggle for liberty, justice, and human rights in their honor. Then and only then can we guarantee the fulfillment of their dreams, as well as the dreams of countless others.

The post The Tragedy of Innocent Young Lives Lost in the Iranian Protests appeared first on Atheist Alliance International.

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