The American Humanist Association’s 82nd Annual Conference, Crossroads and Collective Futures, is only a month away! And there’s still time to get a great deal on the registration fee because we’ve extended our early-bird discount to April 10th.

We’re so excited to host our first in-person conference in three years. The energy and enthusiasm of meeting face-to-face with peers and professionals cannot entirely be replicated through a screen. The opportunity to learn, network, and share ideas in real-time can have a lasting impact on personal development.

If you’re looking for an in-person conference that offers all of these benefits and more, AHACON23 is the event for you. Our annual conference, held this year in the heart of downtown Denver, is the perfect opportunity for humanists to connect and learn from one another.

The world is a complex and diverse place, and humanists care about nearly all of it. It is important that we engage with a wide range of topics in order to grow our understanding of them and contribute. AHACON23 offers a rich and diverse range of sessions and workshops designed to provide attendees with essential, impactful insights that will leave you inspired.

The Center for Freethought Equality’s Ron Millar will team up with the AHA’s new Legal & Policy Director Lily Bolourian, and Sarah Levin of Secular Strategies for Invisible No Longer: Politically Empowering the Humanist and Atheist Communities. White Christian Nationalism is a phenomenon that has gained increasing attention in recent years, particularly in the United States. This ideology combines white supremacist beliefs with a Christian identity, and it is often associated with far-right politics. The Supreme Court and one of the two major political parties have been captured by members of the White Christian Nationalist movement. The separation of church and state, secular government, and our pluralist democracy are under attack—and we are losing this fight. The humanist and atheist community, whose numbers have increased rapidly in the last two decades, has the potential to counter the dangerous and anti-democratic White Christian Nationalist movement. This session will explore ways humanists can provide a strong and unified voice to counter rising White Christian Nationalism. Learn about efforts to politically organize and empower the humanist and atheist community.

Activist, Humanists International board member, and founder of the Humanist Association of Nigeria, Leo Igwe will join us to talk about Blasphemy and Humanism in Nigeria. In recent years, allegations of blasphemy have been rampant in Nigeria and individuals accused of blasphemy—both religious and nontheist—have been attacked, killed or imprisoned. Leo will discuss the situation of humanism in Nigeria, efforts to free imprisoned humanist Mubarak Bala, and how allegations of blasphemy endanger the lives and rights of humanists, freethinkers, and atheists in his country.

Glenn Branch, Deputy Director of the National Center for Science Education, shares strategies for Overcoming Obstacles to Teaching Climate Change in Science Education. Today’s students are tomorrow’s citizens, faced with the challenges of mitigating and adapting to the disruptions caused by climate change. It is imperative to equip them with the knowledge and know-how they need. But there are serious obstacles to climate change education—including but not limited to religious dogma. Glenn will discuss both the individual and the systemic obstacles to climate change education within the complicated American educational system, explain the encouraging trends toward overcoming them, and discuss what humanists have done, and can continue to do, to help.

Corey Clay—academic, veteran, former corrections officer, and youth mentor—will explore the Dehumanization of the Black Male Form. Negative stereotypes of African-Americans and, in particular Black men affect life outcomes, employment opportunities and the socioeconomic status of many Black men. Educators, institutions, and the criminal justice system often believe these stereotypes, which influences their treatment of African-Americans. The oppression of Black men is acritical human rights issue that has to be addressed. Corey’s session will focus on the historical dehumanization of African-American men in western society, its context with whiteness and how we can move forward.

But it’s not just about the formal sessions–AHACON23 also offers plenty of opportunities to unwind and have fun after hours. Attendees can take in the sights and sounds of the city, network with peers over drinks and hors d’oeuvres, or attend one of the many social events and live entertainment that are scheduled throughout the conference. We will gather at the beautiful Renaissance Denver Park Hotel on May 5th-7th. Rooms in the AHACON23 room block are just $139/night.

With a robust program of sessions, networking opportunities, performances, and social events, AHACON23 is sure to be a highlight of the year for anyone looking to make new connections, gain valuable insights, and have a great time in the process.

Register for the Conference today and remember to reserve your hotel room! We’ll see you in Denver.

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