God originally had a
body (Genesis 3:8-10; 32:20-30; Exodus 33:21-22). He had sons (Genesis 1:26;
6:2; Job 1:1) and lived in the sky above, from which he looked down on the
earth below (Job 1:6).[1] No o
mnipresence here. God needed a
servant, Satan, to check on the sincere loyalty of his subjects. God
subsequently allowed Job to be put to the test twice by Satan. But there was no
need to test Job if God kn
ew he would pass the test, which he did (1:22, 2:22). No omniscience here. If Job was tested
for a show, then God is an egomaniac only interested in being praised at the
expense of others. What we see here is the only great-making quality God had in
those early days, absolute power over his subjects, just like other
Mesopotamian kings.[2] He had the power to destroy people at will, including Job’s
children and servants (Isaiah 45:7). This is something his subjects should never question. It’s the main point of Job  (chapters 38-42). No omnibenelovence here.

[1] See the chapter on biblical cosmology by Edward
Babinski in The Christian Delusion
(2010). To read about the biblical god see my paper, “Does God Exist? A
Definitive Biblical Case” at 

[2] Except when it came to iron chariots (Judges

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