On Thursday, December 14th, the American Humanist Association will host the US launch of Humanists International’s Freedom of Thought Report on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. The in-person and virtual event will be live-streamed for a national and international audience beginning at 11am Eastern.

Humanists International, of which the AHA is a member organization, is the global representative body for the humanist movement. The organization supports democracy, human rights, and the rule of law and works to champion secularism. It defends humanists at risk of persecution and violence, advocates for humanist values at international institutions, including the United Nations, and works to build the humanist movement around the world. Members and Associates include humanist, rationalist, secular, ethical culture, atheist, and freethought organizations from all over the world, along with many individual supporters who share its vision and values.

The Freedom of Thought Report is a unique, annual, worldwide survey of discrimination and persecution against humanists, atheists, and the non-religious. Now in its 12th edition, the Report serves as a vital tool for local and international activists to lobby governments for change, providing the evidence needed to make reliable and authoritative claims.

Thanks to the Report, Humanists International and its Members and Associates are better able to support non-religious people at risk in their own country. This might be by using information in a country entry to inform a letter of support for an asylum claim. It might be using the report to challenge a State’s long-standing discriminatory policies—often existing because of a lack of understanding about the right to Freedom of Religion or Belief, and the experience of the non-religious.

The launch event will feature distinguished speakers on the subject of international freedom of religion and belief including:

US Rep. Jared Huffman (CA-2) and Rep. Jamie Raskin (MD-8), co-chairs of the Congressional Freethought Caucus;
US Ambassador At-large for International Religious Freedom Rashad Hussain;
Commissioner Mohammed Majid of the US Commission on International Religious Freedom;
Gary McLelland, Humanists International Chief Executive;
Nicole Carr, AHA Interim Executive Director; and
Lily Bolourian, AHA Legal and Policy Director.

Additional special guests will also be in attendance.

Register here to attend the virtual event.

The post Humanists International to Launch 2023 <em>Freedom of Thought Report</em> appeared first on TheHumanist.com.


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