It Should Be Dawkins, Hitchens, Harris, and Loftus by David Madison
As others have said as well Carl Sagan once said, “I don’t want to believe, I want to know.” I have encountered so many churchgoers who are satisfied…
As others have said as well Carl Sagan once said, “I don’t want to believe, I want to know.” I have encountered so many churchgoers who are satisfied…
Wonderful Mkhutche is Humanists Malawi’s Executive Director. He spoke with Canadian humanist and writer Scott Douglas Jacobsen. Scott Douglas Jacobsen: Today, we are here with Wonderful Mkhutche. We’re going to…
Journeys to Humanism,’s regular series, features real stories from humanists in our community. From heartwarming narratives of growth, to more difficult journeys, our readers open up about their experiences…
The latest from Cagle Cartoons. Groundhog and Trump shadow by Dave Granlund, The post The Comics Section: How Many More Weeks? appeared first on Read…
Cristina Rocha tells the story of how the the “cool” global megachurch Hillsong gained influence in Brazil Read More New Humanist Articles and Posts
Again and again and again, voters have rejected school vouchers and other privatization schemes that attempt to defund and dismantle the nonsectarian public schools that 90% of U.S. families choose. …
Last Fall, Pipeline Playwrights, a Washington, DC theater collaborative, reached out to me about the newest production in their Our Time, Our Stories series, which showcases plays by women “about…
The Contemporary Poetry and Music Circle was hugely influential in the post-war years. Its legacy is finally being unearthed Read More New Humanist Articles and Posts
Testimony to the high moral standards of many non-believers One of the surprising developments of our time—or maybe it’s not so surprising—is the marked increase of people who admit that…
Bailey Harris, the eighteen-year-old secular activist and author of the children’s science book series Stardust, is preparing to release a new book, Darwin’s Journey. Bailey has never been afraid to…