The Comics Section: The Great Pacific Karma Patch by Peter Bjork
The latest from Cagle Cartoons. Plastic Pollution by Adam Zyglis, The Buffalo News, NY The post The Comics Section: The Great Pacific Karma Patch appeared first on…
Teachings of Jesus that Christians Dislike and Ignore, Number 4 by David Madison
They just say NO to their Lord and Savior When you’ve been nurtured on ideas since early childhood—they’re a source of comfort and derive from adults whom you trust—it…
Humanist Trek by Peter Bjork
Humanist Trek is a weekly fan podcast about the humanism in Star Trek. Sarah Ray and Allie Ashmead slingshot around the sun back to the 1960’s and the very first…
Fighting for Inclusion: Secular Lawmakers Battle Hostility at Work as Activists Fight for a Seat at the Table by Peter Bjork
When New Hampshire State Representative Sherry Dutzy was elected to her first term in 2018, she was surprised to find that every day of the legislative session opened with Christian…
Book review: Paris in Turmoil by
In “Paris in Turmoil: A City Between Past and Future”, Eric Hazan explores the life of Parisians past and present Read More New Humanist Articles and Posts
My Rambling Thoughts On Free Will, Determinism, and Making Choices by John W. Loftus
I had a nice discussion on metaphysical free will, determinism, and making choices that matter. What follows are my rambling thoughts because it was a discussion, and I was finding…
When voters get it wrong by
When politicians use propaganda and outright deception, we must acknowledge that voters cannot always make the right decision at the ballot box Read More New Humanist Articles and Posts
Keith Augustine On The Fallacious Reasoning of Christian Apologists In Survival After Death Cases by John W. Loftus
Keith Augustine is the executive director of Internet Infidels, a mega site of helpful articles, debates, commentary, and book reviews. Their main outlet is The Secular Frontier. Along with Michael…
Reading the Gospels as Informed Adults by David Madison
Rise above the credulity expected in Sunday School For many, many people, reading the gospels eyes-wide-open for the first time can prompt serious doubt—and their departure from the Christian faith. It’s awfully…
American Atheists Announces Acquisition of OnlySky Media by American Atheists
Cranford, NJ — Today the national civil rights organization American Atheists announced the acquisition of OnlySky Media, a digital media platform dedicated to protecting America’s secular democracy through journalism, storytelling,…